Showing 1 - 10 of 136
practices contribute to a comparatively high resilience towards intense rain events and flooding. In the temperate zone with its …
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Urban infrastructure investment is needed for both, mitigation of climate risks and improved urban resiliency. Financing them requires the translation of those benefits into measurable returns on investment in the context of emerging risks that capital markets can understand and appreciate. This...
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Aktuelle räumliche Entwicklungsdynamiken und die Aufwertung der Herstellung gleichwertiger Lebensverhältnisse und Arbeitsbedingungen durch die Aufnahme als Staatsziel in die Bayerische Verfassung stellen die Landesentwicklungspolitik vor große Herausforderungen. Soll die Raumordnung diese...
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Die Raumnutzung in komplexen stadtregionalen Gefügen und ihre künftige Entwicklung ist unsicher, auch angesichts (globaler) Wandelbedingungen und der diskutierten planetaren Grenzen. Vor diesem Kontext wird eine umfassende Auseinandersetzung darüber vordringlicher, was Ökosysteme für die...
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national and European policies could be suitable for increasing resilience in the supply of medical products. …
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This study uses a systematic literature review to examine the extent to which an entrepreneur's individual resilience … influences business development during the Covid-19 pandemic. It also considers which resilience factors are of particular … importance. Although individual resilience is an important entrepreneurial ability, which significantly influences a company …
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of twelve village shops and ten experts. The experiences in the Corona crisis demonstrate the high resilience of the …
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examine potential resilience factors with special focus on country size, along with other pre-crisis determinants. The cross …
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This study develops a resilience model for companies based on a literature re-view. Based on this, we identify … influencing factors and mechanisms relevant tocoping with the Corona pandemic using case studies. It shows that resilience is … possibilities. On the other hand, resilience arises in the tension between robustness and vulnerability factors at the personal …
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How do social changes, new technologies or new management trends affect communication work? A team of researchers at Leipzig University and the University of Potsdam (Germany) observed new developments in related disciplines. As a result, the five most important trends for corporate...
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