Showing 1 - 10 of 148
on supermodularity and submodularity tests for obstacles to innovation (in the present application: lack of finance … detect some substitutability and complementarity for specific pairs of obstacles in analysing the propensity to innovate, and …The paper aims at assessing discrete complementarities in innovation policies in the context of the Brazilian industry …
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-return characteristics of the selected innovation project and the mode of commercialization chosen by entrepreneurs (market entry versus sale …
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It has been argued that monetary incentives restrain individual creativity and hamper performance in jobs requiring out of the box thinking. This paper reports from an experiment designed to test if the negative incentive effect is present also when individuals work together to solve such...
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causal effect of human capital on income, net of the innovation channel. …
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We construct a tractable general equilibrium model of cumulative innovation and growth, in which new ideas strictly … the rate of innovation, as well as a separate optimal required inventive step that maximizes welfare, with the former …
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due to a weakness in technological innovation despite a high quality science base. This includes comparatively low and …
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effect which becomes more pronounced when we account for the endogeneity of innovation. This is the case for three different … count measures of innovation – a global measure of innovation and measures for labour innovations and capital innovations …
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This paper examines the relative influence of domestic and foreign renewable energy policies on innovation activity in … new capacities by increasing their innovation effort. However, the effect on innovation of the marginal wind turbine …
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various links between urban cultural diversity and innovation, at individual, firm and urban level. This paper uses a sample …
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Using a dynamic model of a step-by-step innovation race between financially constrained firms, I study how financial … constraints affect innovation activity. The novel theoretical results derive from an analysis of the interaction between the … incentive effect of competition on innovation and the effect competition has on the degree of credit rationing. I find that the …
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