Showing 1 - 10 of 25
The financial system is undergoing an important regulatory overhaul, gradually increased during the last five years. Solvency II and Basel III are two of the most relevant global initiatives that try to reformulate the future landscape for finance. Under this scenario the Insurance and Pensions...
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El sistema financiero esta siendo objeto de un importante ajuste regulatorio que se ha incrementado gradualmente en los ultimos cinco años. Solvencia II y Basilea III son dos de las iniciativas globales mas relevantes que tratan de reformular el escenario futuro de las finanzas. Bajo este...
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The financial system is undergoing an important regulatory overhaul, gradually increased during the last five years. Solvency II and Basel III are two of the most relevant global initiatives that try to reformulate the future landscape for finance. Under this scenario the Insurance and Pensions...
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This study is a theoretical exercise for Colombia that aims to simulate a variety of scenarios under a hypothetical scheme similar to the multi-funds currently in operation in Chile, Mexico and Peru. This has been done by modeling the future movement of asset prices that are considered to be...
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Este documento desarrolla un modelo para el sistema de pensiones peruano con el fin de estudiar los probables efectos sobre distintos segmentos de la población de la reforma del Sistema Privado de Pensiones (SPP) peruano implementado en el año 2012. Se realizan además diversos experimentos...
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Low contribution levels to pension schemes in Latin America are an enormous obstacle limiting the implementation of a broad-based social security system. Contribution rates measured as a ratio of contributors to the total labour force stand at an average of 40%, or 60% in the best of cases....
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Latinoamerica viene experimentando un periodo amplio de crecimiento. Para que esta tendencia logre expandirse en los proximos años, se requiere cerrar brechas claves que puedan limitar la productividad total de los factores y asi evitar cuellos de botella. Una de esas brechas es la de...
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China es ya una de las economias mas importantes del mundo, pero tiene muchas e importantes tareas que resolver, siendo una de ellas la implementacion de un exhaustivo programa social que debera abordar la disminucion de los recursos financieros de la tercera edad tras su retirada de la vida...
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Latin America is enjoying a period of extensive growth. If this trend is to continue into the coming years, the key insufficiencies that could limit total factor productivity will have to be dealt with in order to prevent bottlenecks. One of these insufficiencies is the infrastructure gap. The...
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