Showing 1 - 10 of 353
In der Juniausgabe 2012 veröffentlichte der Wirtschaftsdienst einen Aufsatz mit dem Titel 'Regulierung, Bildung und Wohlstand - der IW-Regulierungsindex'. Enrico Schöbel und Lars Petersen setzen sich damit kritisch auseinander und Dominik H. Enste und Jochen Wicher erläutern ihren Standpunkt...
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In der Juniausgabe 2012 veröffentlichte der Wirtschaftsdienst einen Aufsatz mit dem Titel 'Regulierung, Bildung und Wohlstand - der IW-Regulierungsindex'. Enrico Schöbel und Lars Petersen setzen sich damit kritisch auseinander und Dominik H. Enste und Jochen Wicher erläutern ihren Standpunkt...
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What can we learn about applied price theory from the Bourgeois Era? In this paper, we contend there are three important lessons that can be extracted from McCloskey's work on the Great Enrichment. First, transaction costs are not constraints, but objects of choice. Second, property rights are...
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competition among all broadband providers, and is strongly recommended in markets where the prohibitively high cost of setting up … general advantages of infrastructure-based competition (based on LLU) over service-based competition (based on bitstream). …
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In this paper, we mainly focus on two institutional aspects that are related to financial risk, that is, profiteering and the use of non-fraudulent coins when performing financial transactions. We argue that these two prerequisites were important for the success of the commercially oriented...
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The project of a national register of wool was the fever dream of mercantilism in Great Britain during the eighteenth century. For more than half a century, major parts of the English woolen traders and clothiers thereby attempted to lend administrative teeth to the ban on the exportation of...
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We present an analytical approach to institutional analysis that draws inspiration from control process engineering in the physical sciences. We characterize smart institutions as having three foundational features. First, smart institutions are context sensitive and expressly allow for a...
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Das Wirtschaftswachstum eines Landes hängt immer stärker von dessen Innovationsfähigkeit ab. Ohne ein leistungsfähiges und international vernetztes Innovationssystem wird Deutschland den zunehmenden Herausforderungen im Zuge der Globalisierung immer weniger gewachsen sein. Über die...
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Economic growth requires factor reallocation across firms and continuous replacement of technologies. Labor market institutions influence economic dynamism by their impact on the supply of a key factor, skilled workers to new and expanding firms, and the shedding of workers from declining and...
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In the early 1990's, the Argentine government promoted a framework for productivity-based negotiations between firms and unions at low levels of organization. The policy weakened the industry-wide collective bargaining system, which sets working conditions for all firms in an industry. This...
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