Showing 1 - 10 of 62
The US economy overcame the slowdown registered at the beginning of the year in the second quarter of 2014. The high unemployment rates in some EU countries have declined slightly recently. The UK experienced continuing expansion in the second quarter of 2014, and Spain saw the upswing gain...
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Economic output stagnated in the fourth quarter of 2014 compared with the previous quarter, according to WIFO Quarterly National Accounts. Compared with a year before, the decline was 0.2 percent. For 2014 as a whole, economic growth was 0.3 percent. The slight increase in the impetus provided...
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Nachdem die Konjunkturerholung im Vorjahr deutlich vorangeschritten war, weisen die Unternehmensumfragen des WIFO für das I. Quartal 2005 auf eine leichte Abschwächung der Dynamik hin. Vor allem die Entwicklung der Auslandsaufträge wurde zuletzt zurückhaltend eingeschätzt. Die Anzeichen...
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Auch zu Jahresbeginn 2004 wuchs die Produktion in Österreich verhalten. Im WIFO-Konjunkturtest meldeten die Unternehmen der Sachgütererzeugung per Saldo weiterhin eine Zunahme der Produktion, allerdings hat sich der Überhang der positiven Meldungen gegenüber dem Herbst 2003 verringert....
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Die heimische Wirtschaftsleistung ging im IV. Quartal 2011 leicht zurück. Die Wachstumsdämpfung ist vor allem auf eine schwache Weltwirtschaft und die damit reduzierten internationalen Kapital- und Handelsströme zurückzuführen. Das hohe Maß an makrofinanziellen Risiken hält weiter an. Die...
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Global economic activity has been slowing in recent months. Economic growth in the USA and in Europe was subdued in the second quarter, and activity in Asia was also less buoyant. Against this background, concerns about the high levels of sovereign debt of some industrialised countries increased;...
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European economic policy-makers continue to discuss which measures to take to restore financial markets' confidence in the credit-worthiness of countries with high sovereign debts. Meanwhile, borrowing costs have risen also for states with relatively low debt levels. The real economy continues...
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Economic activity lost momentum globally and especially in the euro area over the course of 2011. In the euro area, economic indicators point to persistent stagnation in the first half of 2012. This development is also weighing on the Austrian economy. However, signs are also emerging that it...
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The global economic environment continues to weaken. Notably the euro crisis has been contributing to heightened uncertainty. This is having a noticeable effect on economic activity in Austria.
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GDP grew at a seasonally and working day adjusted rate of 0.2 percent in the third quarter, compared with the previous quarter. Hence the upturn set in at only a modest pace. In the EU countries, economic activity remains sluggish and uneven. Weak price dynamics prompted the European Central...
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