Showing 1 - 10 of 16
The continuous liberalization of the international trade and foreign investments has established a political framework which promote the economical international relations. The liberalization has allowed the new technologies to be used on the international markets. A lot of countries become more...
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The turbulences on the international financial markets are rather connected to the downfall of the American mortgage market than to the generalised insolvency of the debtors.
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Romanian Abstract: În 2015 piețele financiare au resimțit intensificarea divergențelor depolitică monetară în economia mondială. După semnalele lansate în ultimele trimestre FED ademarat în decembrie anul trecut un nou ciclu de politică monetară, prin majorarea ratei dedobândă de...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul de faţă analizează principalele caracteristici ale proiectului privind înfiinţarea unei Uniuni a Pieţelor de Capital, aşa cum sunt ele prezentate de iniţiatorul proiectului, Comisia Europeană, şi de alţi autori care au studiat această temă. Analiza...
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In conditions of high exchange rate volatility, entities conducting foreign trade transactions are subject to currency risk exposures, which may have a significant impact on financial performance and operating profitability. The research approach is oriented to identify the possibility to...
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At the end of Second World War the world and Europe had been divided into spheres of influence. Eastern Europe was included under the soviet dominance. The entire evolution of all the Eastern European countries was marked by this reality. The eastern bloc had its own way of development, based on...
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Paradigma optimalităţii în dezvoltarea economică sau socială şi-a demonstrat caracterul inadecvat şi, în consecinţă, trebuie înlocuită c paradigma sustenabilităţii. În acest context, studiul are drept scop propunerea unor proceduri şi instrumente prin intermediul cărora să se...
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The achievement of a project of investments in agriculture, through the utilization of the financial instrument European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development means the calculation and the analysis of some obligatory indicators. These indicators of the economical efficiency of investments...
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From the multitude of variations of capital investment on the capital market, this work cuts two of them namely capital investments in options contracts and capital investments in straddle contracts. A distinct place it occupies in the paper presentation of the operating mechanisms of the two...
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the advantages of the adjusted present value – as a new method of valuing companies and projects - and compare them with the already famous net present value.
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