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Russian natural gas is delivered to Western Europe by pipelines, running throughUkraine, Poland and other transit countries. We derive the bargaining power of thedifferent players along this supply chain endogenously from the architecture of thetransmission system and its possible extensions by...
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their investment. All others mayonly join specic pipeline consortia based on cost sharing. Quasi rents at the nalproduction …
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evaluated all fugitive methane gas emissions from pipeline transportation systems. The article is the result of considered …
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We use cooperative game theory to analyze how the architecture of the pipelinenetwork determines the power structure in the supply chain for Russian gas. If theassessment is narrowly focussed on the abilities to obstruct °ows in the existingsystem, the main transit countries Belarus and Ukraine...
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We use the Shapley value and the nucleolus to analyze the impact of three controversial pipeline projects on the power …
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We develop a dynamic model of strategic investment in a transnational pipeline system. In the absence of international … overinvestment than underinvestment. Calibrating the model to fit the Eurasian pipeline system for natural gas, we find that the …
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huge pipeline Nord Stream through the Baltic Sea. This pipeline will provide Russia for the first time ever with the direct … access to its Western European customers. This pipeline will contribute to the security of the Western Europe's energy supply … natural gas imports. The decision to construct the pipeline can be viewed as a consequence of institutional and political …
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neue Pipeline "Nord-Stream" zu bauen, mit der russisches Erdgas erstmalig direkt durch die Ostsee nach Deutschland … geliefert werden kann. Diese Pipeline erhöht die Sicherheit der westeuropäischen Energieversorgung, weil sie … durchsetzen können. Die Entscheidung für den Bau der Pipeline kann als Folge institutioneller Schwächen in diesen beiden …
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We analyze how investment into the pipeline system supplying Russian natural gas to WesternEurope is distorted for …
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huge pipeline Nord Stream through the Baltic Sea. This pipeline will provide Russia for the first time ever with the direct … access to its Western European customers. This pipeline will contribute to the security of the Western Europe's energy supply … natural gas imports. The decision to construct the pipeline can be viewed as a consequence of institutional and political …
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