Showing 1 - 10 of 92
Periods of economic boom with rapid credit and GDP growth can be followed by sudden busts. In the presence of financial markets imperfections, a simple modification of a neoclassical growth model can fully account for this behavior. I study a growth model for a small open economy where...
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The paper provides an explanation for the secular increase in the price of services relative to that of manufactured goods that relies on capital accumulation rather than on an exogenous total factor productivity growth differential. The key assumptions of the two-sector, intertemporal...
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In models in which convergence in income levels across closed countries is driven by faster accumulation of a productive factor in the poorer countries, opening these countries to trade can stop convergence and even cause divergence. We make this point using a dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model - a...
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What factors underlie industry differences in research intensity and productivity growth? We develop a multi-sector endogenous growth model allowing for industry-specific parameters in the production functions for output and knowledge, and in consumer preferences. We find that long run industry...
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This paper studies an urban growth model where learning through personal contacts could be more effective in a denser locale, whereas the effectiveness of learning through impersonal means of communications depends principally on the technology of communications rather than on the locale in...
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Many applications in economics use multi-sector versions of the growth model. In this paper, we measure the income shares of capital and labor at the sectoral level for the U.S. economy. We also decompose the capital shares into the income shares of land, structures, and equipment. We find that...
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All industrialized countries have experienced a transition from high birth rates, land-based production and stagnant standards of living to low birth rates and sustained income growth. To develop a better understanding of these economic and demographic transformations and the link between them,...
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This article studies the impact of longevity and taxation on life-cycle decisions and long run income. Individuals allocate optimally their total lifetime between education, working and retirement. They also decide at each moment how much to save or consume out of their income, and, after...
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We reconsider the conventional wisdom that, in the presence of public goods, Nash tax rates are inefficiently low and decrease with the size of population. We use a general equilibrium dynamic model of a world economy, in which world-wide environmental quality has public good features. We show...
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Recent theories of endogenous growth suggest that changes in tax rates may permanently affect growth. However, attempts to quantify these growth effects have reached very different conclusions in spite of a common theoretical framework: the neoclassical growth model with human capital...
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