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The “Golden Age” of post-war European economic growth has witnessedextraordinary changes not only in the economic, but also in the social andcultural outlook of Western European societies. Eric Hobsbawm’s statementthat “[h]istorians of the twentieth century in the third millennium will...
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In this paper we examine the concept of "vulnerability" (Townsend 1994) within thecontext of income mobility of the poor. We test for the dynamics of vulnerablehouseholds in the UK using Waves 1 - 12 of the British Household Panel Survey andfind that, of three different types of risks that we...
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Wenn von Reformen der Gesellschaft oder demUmbau des Wohlfahrtsstaates die Rede ist, sindwirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge und soziale Veränderungsprozessenicht die alleinigen Faktoren,die in politischen Maßnahmen zu berücksichtigensind. Die Vorstellungen über die ideale Gesellschaft,die...
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This paper provides a framework with which to model one of the key links between universities andindustry – the undertaking of applied research. We assume that the fundamental objective of universities isto undertake fundamental research and that they receive public funding to do so....
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Social capital, Social trust, Crowding-out hypothesis, Welfare state, Social spending. - The crowding-out hypothesis asserts that the state development tends to erode social capital, that is voluntary, familial, communal and other interpersonal ties become weaker; people lose the sense of moral...
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We study the problem of unemployment benefit provision when the family is also a provider of social insurance. As a benchmark, a simple model is presented where risksharing motives govern intra-family transfers and more generous unemployment benefits, provided by the State, crowd out family...
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