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This paper investigates the role of corporate taxation with respect to a multinational'sinvestment decision, in which the multinational can pursue either a direct or an indirectinvestment strategy. The latter involves at least three corporate entities and opens upenhanced opportunities for...
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This paper extends behavioural microsimulation modelling so that third round effectsof a policy change can be simulated. The first round effects relate to fixed hoursof work, while second round effects allow for changes in desired hours of work atunchanged wages. These allow for endogenous...
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This paper provides a conceptual review of how the impact of taxes on the incentive to invest in the corporate sector can be measured. The focus is on measures derived from economic theory. Two measures are derived effective marginal and average tax rates which reflect different forms of...
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This paper explores the empirical properties of alternative measures of the taxation of income from capital, using UK data over the last thirty years. We analyse measures of effective marginal and average tax rates, based on applying the legal parameters of the tax system to a hypothetical...
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This paper analyses the development of the ratio of corporate taxes to wage taxes using a simple political economy model with internationally mobile and immobile firms. Among other results, our model predicts that countries reduce their corporate tax rate, relative to the wage tax, either when...
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Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist der zwischen Nationalstaaten sich intensivierende Steuerwettbewerb um mobiles Kapital. Es wird die Besteuerung von Kapitalgesellschaften sowie die Besteuerung von Zinserträgen privater Haushalte ökonometrisch analysiert. Zudem untersucht die Studie speziell am...
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Die empirische Überprüfung von steuerlich bedingten Marktsegmentationen (Steuer-Klientel- Effekten) ergab an den DM-Anleihemärkten asymmetrische Ergebnisse für Anleihen in Abhängigkeit von deren Kurshöhe. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden diese Resultate durch Friktionen bei der Bildung von...
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Die asymmetrische Besteuerung von Zinseinkünften und Kursgewinnen bei Privatanlegern kann zu Marktsegmentationen führen, die als Steuer-Klientel-Effekte bezeichnet werden. In der vorliegenden empirischen Studie wird dazu erstmals eine systematische quantitative Auswertung an den...
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In this paper we present a computer-based model (so-called European Tax Analyzer) for the international computation and comparison of company tax burdens. The methodology follows the forward-looking concepts for the measurement of effective average tax rates (EATR) on the basis of a model-firm....
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