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market platforms such as eBay) interact to promote trustworthinessand trust. Our analysis suggests that the costs involved in … crowds out trust and trustworthiness. …
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that, unlike the partner market, the benefits of trust and trustworthy behavior go to the whole community and are not …
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Auctions on the Internet provide a new source of data on how bidding is influenced by the detailed rules of the auction. Here we study the second-price auction run by eBay and Amazon, in which a bidder submits a reservation price, and has this (maximum) price used to bid for him by proxy.[...]
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A great deal of late bidding has been observed on internet auctions such as ebay, which employ a second price auction with a fixed deadline. Much less late bidding has been observed on internet auctions such as those run by Amazon, which employ similar auction rules, but use an ending rule that...
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Spieltheoretische Überlegungen zeigen, dass Reputationsmechanismen, wie sie auf Internet-Marktplattformen zur Anwendung kommen, prinzipiell geignet sind, Handel in großen anonymen Märkten zu erleichtern. Dies geil selbst dann, wenn die Marktteilnehmer ihre Identität jederzeit und kostenlos...
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Many bidders in eBay employ bidding strategies that involve late bids, incremental bids, or both. Based on field evidence, we discuss teh manner in which late bids are caused both by sophisticated, strategic reasoning and by irrationality and inexperience, the interaction of late bidding and...
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We study the interplay of inequality and trust in a dynamic game, in which trust increases efficiency and thus allows … higher growth of the experimental economy in the future. We find that trust is initially high in a treatment starting with … equal endowments, but decreases over time. In a treatment with unequal endowments, trust is initially lower yet remains …
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We conducted a controlled field experiment on eBay and examined to what extent both social and competitive laboratory behavior is robust to institutionally complex real world markets with experienced traders, who selected themselves into these markets. EBay's natural trading system provides...
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Many Internet markets rely on feedback systems', essentially social networks of reputation, to facilitate trust and … market encounters are one-shot) most frequently enhances trust and trustworthiness, and always increases total gains … each other) in promoting trust and trustworthiness if the market is sufficiently competitive. We conclude that, overall …
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environment drives the evolution of trust and trustworthiness through the evolution of moral preferences, and how in turn the … trustworthiness in non-anonymous communities supports the evolution of trust and thus crowds out legal institutions. (...) …
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