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[...]The purpose of this article is to develop a clearerpicture of the importance of payments services to the bankingindustry. This goal is served by taking a broad view of thepayments business and analyzing information provided bylarge bank holding companies (BHCs) in their annualreports. BHCs...
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The quadratic scoring rule (QSR) is often used to guarantee an incentive compatibleelicitation of subjective probabilities over events. Experimentalists haveregularly not been able to ensure that subjects fully comprehend the consequencesof their actions on payoffs given the rules of the games....
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We show that for many classes of symmetric two-player games, the simple decision rule \imitate-the-best" can hardly be beaten by any other decision rule. Weprovide necessary and sufficient conditions for imitation to be unbeatable and showthat it can only be beaten by much in games that are of...
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This paper is the rst to empirically analyze the value to shareholders of the power to havea binding vote on management pay. We nd that in response to an unanticipated eventthat made it likely that an annual binding vote would become compulsory for Swiss publiccompanies, the apparent immediate...
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Assuming inequality averse subjects as modeled by Fehr and Schmidt (1999) or in the ERC model by Bolton and Ockenfels (2000) in ultimatum games with asymmetric conflict payoffs allows to make predictions especially concerning responder acceptance thresholds. These predictions are tested in a...
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Idiosyncratic risk attitudes are usually assumed to be commonly knownand restricted to own payos. However, the alternatives faced by a decisionmaker often involve risks for others' payos as well. Motivated by theimportance of other-regarding preferences in social interactions, this paperexplores...
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The paper compares two models of evolution in symmetric twoplayergames with incomplete information. One model postulates thatthe type of a player is fixed, and evolution works within types. Inthe other model type-contingent strategies evolve. In the case of twotypes and two strategies it is...
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marginally only affects his own payoff.The altruist can reach her first best when she moves last if and only if a selfish … agentcannot manipulate the price of his payoff... …
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Noncooperative games in which each player’s payo¤ function depends on anadditively separable function of every player’s choice variable may be transformedinto an aggregative game, which may be analysed using the conceptof ‘share functions’. The resulting approach avoids the...
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The rent-seeking model of Tullock (1980) has stimulated a large literature on rent-seekingcontests, of which Hillman (1989) and Nitzan (1994) provide useful surveys. AlthoughTullock's 'winner take all' model has been adapted and extended in numerous ways, thereremain fundamental modeling issues,...
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