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support ("Arbeitslosengeld II"); an assessment of the expected employment effects of an active labour market policy program … aiming to integrate longterm unemployed into employment, with a focus on long-term employment effects and the risk of … substitution and "revolving door" effects; labour supply and employment effects of a reduction in social security contributions for …
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by employees. The trends towards more temporary agency work, temporary employment or mini-jobs have increased …
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"Deutschland steht durch die schnelle Verbreitung des Corona-Virus, durch den Strukturwandel und die sich abzeichnenden …, Germany is facing challenges of an unprecedented extent. Several legal changes aim to support required adjustments. In its … develop the unemployment insurance into an employment insurance - Motions by members of the DIE LINKE parliamentary group …
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companies (WeGebAU programme), continued education in small- and large-sized establishments, increased employment participation … of women, employment participation of elderly employees, employment participation of handicapped people, recognition of … precarious forms of employment, raising Hartz IV unemployment benefits to 500 Euros, lowering the retirement age, and reduced …
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earnings from minor employment) have significant effects on the labour market or lead to additional costs. …
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in Deutschland synoptisch diskutieren. Zum anderen dient er der Berichtslegung, Darstellung und Rechtfertigung des … and findings relating to poverty, wealth and social inequality in Germany in a synoptic manner. On the other, it serves to … tendency in the quality of employment give cause for concern. Here various research reports of IAB can be consulted as critical …
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für Lohnuntergrenzen in Deutschland, die vorgeschlagene Höhe des allgemeinen gesetzlichen Mindestlohns, etwaige … results of research on the minimum wage in other countries; and, the previous regulations concerning minimum wages in Germany …
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"Die Stellungnahme enthält die Bewertung der IAB-Experten im Hinblick auf Inanspruchnahme, Arbeitsanreize und Arbeitsmarktintegration zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Stärkung des Wohngeldes (Wohngeldstärkungsgesetz - WoGStärkG) und zum Antrag der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion 'Bezahlbare Mieten...
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