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This paper extends a recent martingale representation result of [N-S] for a Levy process to filtrations generated by a rather large class of semimartingales. As in [N-S], we assume the underlying processes have moments of all orders, but here we allow angle brackets to be stochastic. Following...
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This paper presents an analytic approximation for the pricing dynamics of spark spread options in terms of Fourier transforms. We propose to model the spark spread, that is, the price difference of electricity and gas, directly using a mean-reverting model with diffusion and jumps. The model is...
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This paper deals with nonparametric inference for second order stochastic dominance of two random variables. If their distribution functions are unknown they have to be inferred from observed realizations. Thus, any results on stochastic dominance are in uenced by sampling errors. We establish...
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The diffusion of innovations is an important process and its models have applications in many fields, with particular relevance in technological forecast. The logistic equation is one of most important models in this context. Extensions of this approach as the Lotka-Volterra model have been...
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Multivariate GARCH models are in principle able to accommodate the features of the dynamic conditional correlations processes, although with the drawback, when the number of financial returns series considered increases, that the parameterizations entail too many parameters.In general, the...
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We revisit the question whether U.S. fiscal policy in the pre-Volcker period was active or passive. To determine the policy stance, we estimate a DSGE model with monetary and fiscal policy interactions employing a sequential Monte Carlo algorithm (SMC) for posterior evaluation. In contrast to...
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The size and power of the Wald, Edgeworth expansion corrected likelihood-ratio statistic (LRE), and bootstrap tests for Granger causality in integrated-cointegrated VAR systems are considered. By using Monte Carlo methods and simple graphical techniques, the p-value plots, and power-size plots,...
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Abstract only: Today’s data analysts and modellers are in the luxurious position of being able to more closely describe, estimate, predict and infer about complex systems of interest, thanks to ever more powerful computational methods but also wider ranges of modelling distributions. Mixture...
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We study model selection strategies based on penalized empirical loss minimization. We point out a tight relationship between error estimation and data-based complexity penalization: any good error estimate may be converted into a data-based penalty function and the performance of the estimate...
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In this paper we examine several approaches to detecting changes in the adjustment coefficients in cointegrated VARs. We adopt recursive and rolling techniques as mis-specification tests for the detection of non-constancy and the estimation of the breakpoints. We find that inspection of the...
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