Showing 1 - 10 of 521
Ziel der Diplomarbeit ist es, die passenden Vorbereitungen für die Vermarktung des Grundstückes der Firma Elektro Ramert GmbH zutreffen. Die Vorbereitungen umfassen die Ermittlung des Verkaufspreises sowie die Untersuchung des Umfeldes anhand der Mikro- und Makroanlyse und die Auswahl der...
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Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit verschiedenen wirtschaftlichen Möglichkeiten der Immobilienverwertung. In der Arbeit werden drei Varianten der Immobilienverwertung mit ihren Chancen und Risiken beleuchtet. Ziel ist es zu zeigen, welche Art der Verwertung für eine Immobilie die...
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This paper investigates the role of real estate in a mixed-asset portfolio when the maximum drawdown (hereafter MaxDD), rather than the standard deviation, is used as the measure of risk.
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In this paper, it is examined whether the structure of constrained submarkets constructed according to three a priori classifications (property type, house value and geographical areas) differs from that of unconstrained submarkets constructed by means of principal component analysis and cluster...
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The aim of this paper is to compare various real estate valuation models and the manner in which they take into account environmental variables.
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While much attention has focused on the modelling of the interdependencies between key aggregates and stock indices in industrialised countries, this thesis is focused on investments in emerging markets and real estate – two research branches that have up to now not been investigated to a...
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In 2007, the city council of Kyoto adopted the keikan jōrei [townscape ordinances],a set of amendments to existing building codes that was hailed as revolutionaryeven by critical commentators. The new rules expand existing protectedareas, ban putting up rooftop billboards and neon signage, and...
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I apply standard time series models to US housing prices. Forecasts made in 2005 or earlier would have produced stress scenarios that are worse than the subsequent actual change in housing prices. The probability of these scenarios is in the range that banks claim to consider in their risk...
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