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theoretical wage systems with the main definitions, the systems’ classification, and the features of the wages in Lithuanian … suggested the company to develop a new united wage system in this project. A plan how to realize the united wage system and the …
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Darbo tikslas – ištyrus darbo užmokesčio dydį įtakojančius veiksnius bei darbo užmokesčio nustatymo metodikas sudaryti statybinėms įmonėms tinkančią darbo užmokesčio nustatymo metodiką.Pirmoje darbo dalyje atliekama mokslinės literatūros analizė, kuri atskleidė, kad darbo...
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Kompensavimas už darbą – tai vienas iš svarbiausių klausimų šiandieninėje darbo rinkoje. Šiame darbe analizuojant įvairią lietuvių ir užsienio autorių mokslinę literatūrą, yra atlikta teorinė kompensavimo už darbą analizė. Aptartos pagrindinės sąvokos. Išanalizuoti...
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scientific literature, principals of organization of wage systems are being analysed, i.e. wage concept, factors affecting … part, after doing comparative analysis of earnings, there are recommendations how to perfect the wage system in these …
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In this master’s work are formulated the definitions of wage and it‘s differentiation, analyzed and organized … theoretical wage functions, systems and models presented by Lithuanian and foreign authors. Also shown the minimum-wage influence … to income differentiation. Discussed main economical factors that influence wage differentiation. Made a detailed …
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The master paper provides definitions of wage and its determinant factors, analyses and structures the models of … different forms and wage functions provided in theory by Lithuanian and foreign authors. Also, different determinant factors and … methods influencing wage differentiation, which help to estimate the level of differentiation, are provided. The deep analysis …
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The master paper formulates wage concept descriptions, analyses the methods of establishment wage functions provided in … theory by Lithuanian and foreign authors. Different determinant factors and methods influencing wage differentiation which … is distinguished and systemized, the presence of the types of wage differantiation is evaluated in the country, the wage …
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The problem of wage data frequency, the ways of solution and the use of the estimators is considered in this paper. At … first the basic methods of estimating wage monthly data were reviewed. The Chow – Lin method was used to obtain estimators … on purpose to identify the factors, which determine the wage data development in three sectors. The wage estimators were …
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Tyrimo tikslas: įvertinti atlyginimų "vokelyje" praktikos paplitimo mastus Lietuvoje. Respondentams buvo pateikti klausimai, ar jie gauna neapmokestinamų pajamų bei klausta, kokią dalį pajamų procentais sudaro tokios neapmokestinamos pajamos. Socialinės demografinės charakteristikos:...
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