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This bachelor thesis is about forming investment portfolio from NASDAQ OMX Baltic stocks using Markowitz portfolio …Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe buvo formuojamas optimalus NASDAQ OMX Baltic biržoje kotiruojamų akcijų portfelis … analizuojamos taikant fundamentinę analizę įmonės lygiu ir formuojamas optimalus akcijų portfelis įvedant rizikos ir pelningumo …
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. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje formuojamas portfelis, naudojant sektorių rotacijos strategiją, kurio monitoringas vykdomas bei … main aim of this approach is to formate portfolio, using sector rotation strategy, in NASDAQ OMX Vilnius stock market. In … the first part of this work there are discussed issues about theoretical models of portfolio development and management of …
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pelningumą. Nustatyta, kad pelningumo ir rizikos požiūriu optimalus investicinis portfelis yra sudarytas iš NASDAQ OMX Vilnius … planning stages. Analyze investment vehicles, investment portfolio models. 2 part of the Lithuanian population of personal … financial management capabilities. In order to offer an effective model for personal investment portfolio, performed an economic …
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randomly composed portfolio. The latter model is the one in which the weight of shares is chosen without reference to any … the randomly selected portfolio, the comparative analysis was done. It was observed that the portfolios composed on the … now. After the risk evaluation, it was observed that if the number of shares in the portfolio grows, the risk decreases …
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. In theoretical part is analysed stocks and stock market indices, relations and impact how macroeconomic factors cause …
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popierių rinkoje listinguojamų bendrovių akcijų sudarytas investicinis portfelis.Tyrimo tikslas: išanalizavus Baltijos … the investment environment and active portfolio management, reduce non-systemic risk and is assumed to gain a better … the tolerated level of risk and provide the desired return.The object of research: Investment portfolio constructed from …
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Virtualus akcijų biržos modelis (SEGM), modeliuojantis virtualių investuotojų elgseną, kurie prie fiksuotos palūkanų normos naudoja fiksuotą pirkimo/pardavimo maržą, buvo pristatytas prof. habil. dr. Jono Mockaus 2009 metais. Kuriamas patobulintas virtualios akcijų biržos modelis...
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There are many ways to select a set of most appropriate stocks for an investment portfolio as well as to allocate …-12-31) egzistavusių įmonių akcijos (iš viso jų buvo 14). Išnagrinėti šie akcijų atrinkimo būdai: mažiausiai koreliuojančių su kitomis … all the stocks quoted in NASDAQ OMX Baltic Exchange in Vilnius Official list for more than 10 years (2001 – 2010). There …
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There are analyzed the influence of human resource management on efficiency of UAB “Douglas Baltic” enterprise in this …, in the first part of paper. The second part is for analysis of conception of company’s efficiency. There are described … practical information. The management of human resources influences the efficiency of retail business. This topic was chosen for …
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Analyzing the evolution trend on the Romanian capital market in the last three-four years we can observe that, as the years go by, financing thru the specific mechanisms turns into a real alternative to financing by loans or profit reinvestment.
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