Showing 1 - 10 of 238
Small to medium enterprises (SME) are frequently associated with high levels of innovation. However, it is difficult … for such firms to fully assess the merits of a particular innovation. This study examined the risk-return profile of … future investment in innovation by SME with respect to anticipated ‘rent' or financial returns. A survey of highly innovative …
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This paper develops a simple model showing how banks can increase the access to finance of small, risky firms by mitigating coordination problems among investors. If investors observe a biased signal about the true implementation cost of real sector projects, the model can be solved for a...
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Microfinance institutions (MFIs) target poor people, excluded from the banking system. By giving them starting capital, they should thus enable a greater number of women to create their own business, but also in sectors traditionally reserved for men due to the initial capital they require. Our...
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En 1883, les brevets accordés en France, en Allemagne, au Royaume-Uni et en Belgique représentent 41% des brevets accordés dans le monde, les brevets américains représentant quant à eux 43% du total. L'Europe du Nord-Ouest s'affiche au XIXe siècle comme un des hauts lieux du brevet...
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This paper examines the relative influence of domestic and foreign renewable energy policies on innovation activity in … new capacities by increasing their innovation effort. However, the effect on innovation of the marginal wind turbine …
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Les systèmes de management des risques doivent situer l'action des gestionnaires dans des environnements turbulents. Ceci place le management des risques sur un plan notamment conceptuel. Or, certains cloisonnements et ruptures artificiels peuvent avoir laissé de coté des concepts pertinents....
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A. Hopwood en Europe. Dans le domaine des systèmes de coûts l'innovation que constitue l'ABC a nourri un intense courant …
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This paper examines the evolution of innovation in nuclear power reactors between 1974 and 2008 in twelve OECD … countries and assesses to what extent nuclear innovation has been driven by economic incentives, political decisions and safety … activity. Our results highlight that nuclear innovation is partly driven by the conventional paradigm where both demandpull …
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Les organisations sont écartelées entre des logiques contradictoires : il leur faut créer pour " rester dans la course ", mais il ne peut y avoir de création durable sans coexistence avec des routines. Créer signifie rompre avec des schémas préétablis, gérer sa propre peur de l'inconnu...
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'une innovation qui appréhende le coût et la valeur sur des bases compatibles. …
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