Showing 1 - 10 of 93
Dezvoltarea marketingului relational s-a datorat schimbarilor aparute in coordonatele mediului de afaceri international pe parcursul ultimelor decade, concretizate intr-o intensificare a concurentei si maturizare vizibila a pietelor. Optimizarea valorii clientilor, focalizarea activitatilor...
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System stanowienia prawa w Polsce jest wadliwy. Jego podstaw¹ powinny byæ konsultacje miêdzy rz¹dem a œrodowiskami i instytucjami pozarz¹dowymi. Jednym z narzêdzi tak rozumianych konsultacji ?dialogu spo³ecznego ?jest Trójstronna Komisja ds. Spo³eczno-Gospodarczych. W za³o¿eniu...
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Christian ecumenism as it manifests itself in Scythia Minor, in the first three centuries of patristic church that interests us here (IV , V and VI), is as complex as the ecumenical movement of the twentieth century, different historical circumstances.
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As a consequence of the changing conditions of doing business, we can observe the emergence of an increasing number of industrial and company-specific codes of conduct, as well as social and environmental standards. This paper considers these initiatives as being self-regulating governance...
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Three principles must be taken into account in assessing the social responsibilities of international business firms in developing areas. The first is an awareness of the historical and institutional dynamics of local communities. This influences the type and range of responsibilities the firm...
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During the adaptation period to the conditions of the market economy, in the perspective of European integration, statistics entered into a process of reformation and convergence of its various branches or developments. Progresses achieved are on the line of knowledge accumulation, restructuring...
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The metadialog package provides Stata dialog boxes for the publicly available meta-analysis commands. It includes the …
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