Showing 1 - 10 of 179
Jednou z možností sledování tvaru otevřenosti ekonomiky je provádění analýzy komoditní struktury zahraničního obchodu. Cílem předkládaného článku je pomocí statistických dat nastínit změny, ke kterým docházelo v komoditní struktuře dovozu, resp. vývozu ČR v letech...
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The purpose of the study is to analyse and evaluate the position and trend of international competitiveness of the Central European EU countries, and the results of the influence of their EU membership on the competitiveness of the chosen countries. The study method is based on a complex set of...
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Doložka najvyšších výhod (DNV) je dôležitým inštitútom medzinárodného obchodu. DNV zaväzuje štát rozšíriť obchodné výhody, ktoré poskytol inému štátu, ostatným štátom. DNV má niekoľko foriem. Poznáme nepodmienečnú DNV a DNV podmienenú reciprocitou. Hlavnou...
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According to the results of the International Comparison Project, based on exchange rates and prices recorded in 1996, prices in the Czech Republic (CR) were markedly lower than prices charged for many comparable products and services in the European Union. This observation led some commentators...
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As a consequence of the new regionalism a marked increase in the number of regional groupings can be observed which makes the preferential relations between states even more complicated and complex. One of such complex relationships, which did not come to being during the third wave of...
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Príspevok sa zaoberá problematikou rozvoja ekonomickej spolupráce medzi Slovenskou republikou a Ruskou federáciou. Prioritným záujmom Slovenskej republiky vo vzťahu k Rusku je rozvoj bilaterálnej spolupráce s dôrazom na jej ekonomickú dimenziu, ako aj na väzbu členstva Slovenska v...
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The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The development and structure of Czech trade and export support is presented first and it is followed by the econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade. The econometric results show that the credit support...
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The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The development and structure of Czech trade and export support is presented first and it is followed by the econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade. The econometric results show that the credit support...
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Economic globalisation can be defined as growing interdependence of financial and goods and services markets in the international scale. The important part of globalisation form supranational corporations, which are reaction on the rising competitiveness and need for strategic alliances. The...
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The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade shows that the credit support provided by specialized government agency, Czech Export Bank, has a positive but statistically weak influence on export. The other...
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