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This is a critique of the Arthur Maass article on Benefit Cost Analysis.
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Several evaluations have been conducted to assess the impact of agricultural input subsidies in Malawi but have been mostly either descriptive or qualitatively inferred of the intervention impacts on the overall goal of the subsidy program. In most studies cited in this paper their approaches do...
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Estimates of economic activity generated and jobs created that are derived using input-output analysis are often presented in program evaluations and confused with the benefits resultin g from die program. Two such cases are presented as examples. We argue that for two main reasons this type of...
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For at least fifty years economists have argued that vertically-aggregated marginal willingness to pay, when set equal to marginal provision cost, will result in optimal public good provision levels. This methodological approach would be expected to yield an exact analog, in terms of optimal...
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This paper examines the social opportunity cost of a hypothetical public project in Australia and compares these values with the cost of the project as measured by factor prices. Since 2001, the Australian taxation system has included an ad valorem tax, the Goods and Services Tax, however...
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Housing public policies take the form of selective programs. Hence, accesso to the program and computation of the rents are regulated by a means test. Selectivity should be set ensuring the respect of vertical and horizontal equity trough the beneficiaries. This research analyses the system of...
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The object of this article is to assess the causal impact of promotions policies on students' choice of the field of study. We match the records of the students enrolled in two large universities with the records of the participating schools. Within the participating schools, some students took...
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The question of whether there is any value to the temporary storage of carbon is fundamental to climate policy design across a number of arenas, including physical carbon discounting in greenhouse gas accounting, the relative value of temporary carbon offsets, and the value of other carbon...
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Fe y Alegría is a catholic network of schools that started operations in Colombia in 1971, and in 2009 served more than 72,000 students in 61 schools. This paper assesses the performance of Fe y Alegría secondary schools in Colombia using test scores for Spanish and mathematics, as well as...
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The basic idea of real options analysis is that flexibility has value. Increasing the flexibility of investmentprojects may therefore substantially increase their value. Ignoring the value of flexibility implies that erroneously investmentprojects without much flexibility may be preferred to...
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