Showing 1 - 10 of 112
-output analysis in Monte Carlo simulation to anticipate the impact of different pricing policies on the entire Finnish economy. The … simulation suggests an increase of 6-12 Million Euros to GDP in five years if pricing policies are fixed at their present mode …
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Tässä tutkimuksessa simuloidaan lääkekehitykseen suuntautuneiden pienten ja keskisuurten biotekniikkayritysten tulevaisuutta, erityispainopisteenä kansantaloudelliset implikaatiot. Simulaatiossa huomioidaan vaihtoehtoisia kehityspolkuja, joiden avulla on arvioitu erilaisten...
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-output analysis in Monte Carlo simulation to anticipate the impact of different pricing policies on the entire Finnish economy. The … simulation suggests an increase of 6-12 Million Euros to GDP in five years if pricing policies are fixed at their present mode …
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We analyse how alternative reforms of the student financial aid would influence average study duration, government expenditures, and tax revenues. We also consider the reform that has been proposed by the current government (in 2016) which consists of lowering the monthly student grant and...
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We analyze the impact of the Finnish tax-benefit system on the financial incentives to take up a job and to work more. The analysis is conducted with the Finnish microsimulation model SISU in 2015-2021. We analyze the presence of unemployment traps in the population and characterize the...
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We analyze the impact of the Finnish tax-benefit system on the financial incentives to take up a job and to work more. The analysis is conducted with the Finnish microsimulation model SISU in 2015–2021. We analyze the presence of unemployment traps in the population and characterize the...
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Keskustelunaloitteessa tarkastellaan työn vastaanottamisen kannattavuutta tilanteessa, jossa vapaa-aikaan sisältyvän kotityöhön käytettävän ajan väheneminen otetaan huomioon työllistymispäätöstä tehtäessä. Laskelmissa verrataan nettotulojen ja laskennallisen kotityön arvon...
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In the report we analyse the reasons for the weakness of Finland’s economic performance over the past decade and assess the growth prospects in the coming 5 years. The weakness of Finland’s performance relative to comparative EU-countries since 2009 can largely be explained by the collapse...
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