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This paper analyzes the role of yardstick competition for improving political decisions. We examine how performance comparisons across jurisdictions affect the agency problem resulting from uncertainty about politicians (adverse selection) and their policies (moral hazard). We study two forms of...
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Using Belgian microdata, we assess the impact, on a hedonic regression, of the distortions arising from the choice of either a specific zoning system or the delineation of the study area. We also evaluate the biases that arise when spatial effects are not accounted for. Given that the dependent...
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Following the model-based approach of Ellison and Glaeser (1997), we develop a framework to test for the link between concentration, spatial clustering and the size of plants. Concentration is an a-spatial concept of variability that can be measured with the standard locational Gini or the more...
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Recent developments in the econometric estimation of multi-output, multi-input distance functions have provided a promising new solution to the single-output restriction implicit in the standard production function. However, a suspicion that regressor endogeneity may introduce possible...
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We investigate and compare the spatial distribution of manufacturing activity and its determinants in Belguim, Ireland, and Portugal using comparable, exhaustive micro-level data sets.We find some similarities between Portugal and Belguim, but little for Ireland. Moreover, there is some evidence...
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This paper derives exact expressions for the statistical curvature and related geometric quantities in the first order autoregressive models.
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Recent developments in the econometric estimation of multi-output, multi-inp ut distance functions have provided a promising new solution to the single-output restriction implicit in the standard production function. However, a suspicion that regressor endogeneity may introduce possible sim...
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We propose a jackknife for reducing the order of the bias of maximum likelihood estimates of nonlinear dynamic fixed-effect panel models. In its simplest form, the half-panel jackknife, the estimatorisjust 2θˆ−θ1/2,where θˆ!istheMLEfromthefullpaneland θ1/2 istheaverageofthe two...
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In a recent study, Holmes and Stevens (2002) identify for the first time a positive relationship that exists between establishment scale and local industry concentration using a large cross-sectional plant level data set for the US. Using an exhaustive plant level panel data set for Irish...
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Nowcasting regards the inference on the present realization of random variables, on the basis of information available until a recent past. This paper proposes a modelling strategy aimed at a best use of the data for nowcasting based on panel data with severe deficiencies, namely short times...
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