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Criza financiara globala a transmis o serie de factori care au agravat situatia economiilor noilor state membre ale Uniunii Europene, pe fondul existentei unor relatii financiare si comerciale puternice cu tarile europene dezvoltate. in acest articol facem o scurta prezentare a unor...
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The construction of an Aggregate Financial Stability Index represents one of the methods used for assessing the level and dynamics of financial sector stability.
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This paper examines the evolution of the EU's trade in services over the 2004-2008 period in comparison with its trade in goods. It aims to disentangle the main trends shaping the EU's services trade flows under the impact of increasing globalisation and the last two waves of EU enlargement....
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This paper examines the evolution of the EU’s trade in services over the 2004-2008 period in comparison with its trade in goods. It aims to disentangle the main trends shaping the EU’s services trade flows under the impact of increasing globalisation and the last two waves of EU enlargement....
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The present paper intends to examine the evolution of the European idea in inter-war Romania. On this occasion, I try to have a synthetic presentation of Romanian currents and intellectual evolutions, a history of that idea in inter-war political and intellectual environments. Romanian élites...
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The Public Relations are considered as a main function of the management, with a continuous and systematic activity, the organisations trying to get with their help the sympathy and the support of the present and future public. Their purpose is mainly to establish and maintain the understanding...
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În literatura de specialitate, insuficienta abordare a problematicii convergenţei face ca legăturile dintre convergenţa reală şi cea nominală să nu fie identificate corespunzător în vederea conturării unor posibile „drumuri de urmat” pentru ţările doritoare a accede în zona...
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