Showing 1 - 10 of 367
In recent years a global network of science has emerged as a result of thousands of individual scientists seeking to collaborate with colleagues around the world, creating a network which rises above national systems. The globalization of science is part of the underlying shift in knowledge...
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This book discusses a core question in many fields of the social sciences, namely how to create, share and adopt new knowledge. It creates an original space for conversation between two lines of research that have developed largely in parallel for a long time: social network theory and the...
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abteilungsübergreifende Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit, Kostenoptimierung, Wissenstransfer oder Integration neuer Mitarbeiter angewandt …
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Firms are increasingly realising the importance of social networks. Such networks of customers can play an essential role in assisting firms to organise and prioritise the pool of user information regarding their needs, feedback on existing products as well as ideas for new products. To profit...
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Problemstellung: Von der Organisation der manuellen Arbeit zur Organisation der Wissensarbeit -- Die Produktion von Wissen und die Organisation der Wissensarbeit -- Sozialkapital und Vertrauen -- Das modell über den Zusammenhang von Vertrauen und Sozialkapital -- Abschließende Bemerkung --...
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Promotions are at the same time beloved and feared by both food retailers and branded goods manufacturers in today’s retail environment. Beloved because they attract smart customers and generate an immediate effect on a brand’s sale. Feared because there is uncertainty about the...
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Zwar nutzten Unternehmen in den letzten Jahren verstärkt Corporate-Venture-Capital-Programme, doch blieb die wissenschaftliche Diskussion zu Zielsetzungen und stategischen Wirkungen solcher Programme bisher begrenzt. Behrend Freese geht der Frage nach, welchen strategischen Mehrwert...
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Frank Wernitz entwickelt auf der Grundlage des Stakeholderansatzes ein holistisches Marketingkonzept, das die Berücksichtigung und Priorisierung der Stakeholderansprüche in einem konsistenten Managementansatz vereinigt. Am Beispiel der Ressortforschung zeigt der Autor, wie...
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The second volume of this successful handbook represents varied perspectives on the fast-expanding field of Service Science. The novel work collected in these chapters is drawn from both new researchers who have grown-up with Service Science, as well as established researchers who are adapting...
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