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Der Lohnfindungsprozess in Deutschland ist einem starken Wandel unterworfen, denn das Flächentarifsystem befindet sich …
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Vor kurzem ließ das Bundesarbeitsgericht den lange Zeit geltenden Grundsatz der Tarifeinheit in seiner Rechtsprechung fallen. So ist es nun möglich, dass in einem Betrieb unterschiedliche Tarifverträge für die angehörigen verschiedener Gewerkschaften gelten. Der Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund...
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We introduce "fair" wages in a general-equilibrium model where worker's effort is unobservable and investigate whether such a mechanism can quantitatively account for the degree of real wage rigidity in the Bulgarian labor markets, as documented in Lozev, Vladova, and Paskaleva (2011) and...
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This paper investigates how immigration can affect the labor market outcomes of native workers when their wages are rigid. I use a rich dataset for France and decompose the native workers according to whether they are covered by fixed-term or indefinite-term contracts. Indefinite-term contracts...
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(VF)Cet article révèle une association négative forte entre la réglementation du travail et l’endettement financier des entreprises, sur un large échantillon d’entreprises cotées des 21 pays les plus riches de l’OCDE. L’hypothèse développée est que la réglementation du travail...
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This article studies the consequences of a reduction of legal working time (RWT), using an union/employer bargaining model over the organization of work. A RWT can induce a higher flexibility of work, which is become bearable for reduced work time. This flexibility helps to finance a full wage...
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The Greek industrial relations system for the past decades, mainly in the private sector, has been based on Law 1876 of 1990, which introduced free collective bargaining and independent dispute resolution. Due to the financial crisis, new legislation modified the existing legal framework and led...
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Hungarian trade unions face both the direct consequences of economic downturn and the political challenges that are implied by the deterioration in employees' and unions' bargaining positions with regard to employers. This article presents the political responses of both militant and moderate...
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