Showing 1 - 4 of 4
Gelismekte olan ülkelerden gelismis ülkelere gerçeklesen nitelikli isgücü göçü gelismekte olan ülkeler açisindan yüksek maliyetli bir hibe olarak nitelendirilebilir. Türkiye’den yurt disina nitelikli isgücü göçü özellikle son dönemlerde pespese yasanan ekonomik krizlerden...
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This study analyses possibilities for independent national redistribution and risk sharing policy in EMU by reviewing literature on fiscal federalism. The currency union will not directly affect the national welfare policy. It might increase mobility of people and capital, which would tighten...
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Bu çalismanin amaci, neoliberal küresellesme süreci içinde kalkinma açisindan ortaya çikan firsat ve engelleri tartismak, bu süreçle kalkinma arasindaki iliskiyi bütüncül olma kaygisi tasimadan ana hatlariyla sorgulamaktir. Neoliberal iktisat politikalari küresellesme sürecini...
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The present study analyses migration patterns in Finland to test if microeconomic evidence for the Harris-Todaro model … can be found. The Harris-Todaro hypothesis states that rural-urban migration stems from regional differences in the wage … evidence for the Harris-Todaro model and concludes that rural urban migration is a result of higher wages and, even more so …
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