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Uncertainty is given because we don’t know the nature state event. The company can only estimate the demand of policies in order to estimate the received premiums. If the insurance company doesn’t choose correctly the alternative and the number and the damages will be greater then...
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The paper deals with an analytical manner with the financial analysis of the decisions of investments, concentrating on the analysis of the profitableness and the risk of financial titles as part of a portfolio on the Romanian market of capital. First part deals with problems of modern theories...
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The world had to face last century a series of financial crashes which were felt more or less intense in every country. As the links between national economies became stronger, the consequences of the financial crises spread faster. Thus, giving both governments and citizens more reasons to...
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In the past two years, the main topic of discussion was "global economic crisis", why?, what effect?, or when and how to overcome it, "are questions that each and everyone asked themselves once at least in the last twenty-four months. It was discussed and it is still discussing daily on at least...
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English Abstract: Performance reasons in decision making based on business data usually requires a good management of multiple data formats and also processing speed, flexibility, portability, automation, power of suggestion and ease of use. The paper comes with theoretical ideas and practical...
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Romanian Abstract: Lucrarea prezintă utilizarea metodelor Jacobi şi Seidel Gauss în rezolvarea sistemelor liniare cu aplicaţii în economie. Aceşti doi algoritmi clasici sunt utilizaţi pentru analiza raportului dintre cerere şi ofertă. Se face astfel o analiză a evoluţiei preţului...
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Romanian Abstract: Sistemele liniare sunt utile în analiza situaţiilor în care datele cantitative este necunoscute sau trebuie să fie măsurate şi informaţiile calitative sunt cunoscute; astfel de situaţii apar frecvent în discipline precum economia, biologia, etc. Dezvoltarea de noi...
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English Abstract: Under the current conditions where the smooth running of the audit activity involves taking into account the multiple aspects to be analyzed for the same problem and, very often, several data sources, the quality, speed and flexibility of reporting in strict relation with the...
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During the decision process, one has to take into consideration more than one criterion, the alternative that meets as many criteria as possible being chosen eventually. As it is impossible to reach the maximum level that is wished for separately for each criterion at the same time, one has to...
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