Showing 1 - 10 of 52
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The analysis of the profitability is a central point of the economic and financial system indicators at the microeconomic level. All the entities the firm has business with are directly interested in the positive result of its activity. We present a logical approach of the main possibilities for...
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Uncertainty is given because we don’t know the nature state event. The company can only estimate the demand of policies in order to estimate the received premiums. If the insurance company doesn’t choose correctly the alternative and the number and the damages will be greater then...
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The paper deals with an analytical manner with the financial analysis of the decisions of investments, concentrating on the analysis of the profitableness and the risk of financial titles as part of a portfolio on the Romanian market of capital. First part deals with problems of modern theories...
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The world had to face last century a series of financial crashes which were felt more or less intense in every country. As the links between national economies became stronger, the consequences of the financial crises spread faster. Thus, giving both governments and citizens more reasons to...
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In the past two years, the main topic of discussion was "global economic crisis", why?, what effect?, or when and how to overcome it, "are questions that each and everyone asked themselves once at least in the last twenty-four months. It was discussed and it is still discussing daily on at least...
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Romanian Abstract: Investiţiile străine directe constituie o modalitate de completare a surselor interne de finanţare a unei economii. Acestea pot contribui la dezvoltarea sustenabilă a ţării gazdă în anumite situaţii. Dar investiţiile străine directe pot avea şi efecte negative...
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Romanian Abstract: Economia Indiei a făcut faţă recesiunii mondiale în mod remarcabil. Totuşi, în 2011, ritmul de creştere a PIB-ului indian s-a încetinit puternic, acesta majorându-se cu 7,2% faţă de anul precedent, comparativ cu un ritm de peste 10% în 2010. Printre factorii care...
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Romanian Abstract: Anul 2012 a fost marcat de o încetinire a economiei la nivel mondial, ritmul de creştere a Produsului Intern Brut fiind de numai 3,2%, inferior celui înregistrat în anul precedent. Pe ansamblul ţărilor dezvoltate, creşterea economică a fost de 1,2%, în timp ce Statele...
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Romanian Abstract: Economia mondială a fost marcată în anul 2011 de o continuare a creşterii economice post-criză, înregistrând un ritm de evoluţie a Produsului Intern Brut de 3,9%, mai scăzut decât cel înregistrat în 2010 (5,1%). Comerţul internaţional a decelerat la 5,8%, nivel...
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