Showing 1 - 10 of 22
The authors of the paper discuss reasons as well as current stage of the regulation of the financial (mostly banking) sector. They are not in favor of strict rejection of the regulation, but they are not in favor of strong regulation of the financial sector either. The article is based on the...
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This work examines specific issues concerning the prudential management and regulation of foreign exchange risk. It begins with a description of the basic components of foreign exchange risk management. A central but frequently forgotten point of foreign exchange risk is that the key to its...
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The article surveys the establishment of a legislative framework providing for banking regulation in Czechoslovakia during 1918?1938. The state intervened in bank sanitation twice during economic recessions in the early 1920s and 1930s. The shocks resulted in the adoption of banking laws to...
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Èeská spoleènost ekonomická ve spolupráci s Èeskou národní bankou uspoøádala v kvìtnu 2001 v Praze semináø nazvaný ?Moral Hazard and Orderly Bank Exit?, na nìmž vystoupil David Mayes, profesor ekonomie na South Bank University v Londýnì a poradce bankovní rady Bank of Finland....
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Czech Abstract: Požadavek proporcionality se jako právní zásada rozšířil do významné části světa, a to především po druhé světové válce. Z evropského pohledu přitom bylo klíčové jeho uznání Soudním dvorem Evropské unie a Evropským soudem pro lidská práva. Tento...
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The key question of the presented thesis is what precisely economic nationalism means. The author uses the situation in Czechoslovakia between the two world wars as a background of her examination of both its dimensions, economic and nationalistic. She points out several problems arising from...
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Tato studie se zabývá otázkou, zda nekoordinovaná opatření některých států měnící parametry národních systémů pojištění vkladů zavedená v polovině roku 2008 mohla vést k přesunu vkladů mezi členskými státy Evropské unie. Pozornost je věnována především...
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The paper concentrates on the description of the Czech institutions which provide credit support to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, farmers and exporters. The paper analyses the operations of the Czech-Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank and the Support and Guarantee Agricultural and...
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Over the past few years, the Value at Risk indicator (VaR) has evolved, without doubt, into the most frequently used comprehensive tool for assessment of potential losses caused by adverse changes in market rates. However, the common models used for VaR assessment are based only on mid prices...
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