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Panel data are a result of repeating observations of a group of units, e.g. households, firms, but also whole economies with some common characteristics as EU15, transition economies a . s. o. So, more details are available enabling to analyze a changing economic structure and its reasoning....
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Panel data are specific data where cases are observed at two or more time periods. This approach brings many advantages: larger dataset, decreasing collinearity between exogenous variables and using advanced econometric models. The panel data models were applied to data from the Household Budget...
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Panel data are increasingly being used in both macro- and micro-level studies of economic problems. Macro-panel data (i denotes countries) are characteristic by sufficiently long time series to be able to analyze panel spurious regression and panel cointegration. According to the main stream of...
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We consider two markets in our model: wholesale, where producers' supply interacts with distributors' demand, and retail with distributors' supply and consumers' demand. The wholesale market determines the producer price index (PPI), production and indirectly also employment. In the retail...
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The paper deals with one of the biggest problems currently faced by the Czech labour market: namely, a shortage of labour with regard to specialists who have completed tertiary education. The introduction stresses the importance of knowledge capital both in contemporary society and in a...
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The paper deals with the relationships between the inflow of FDI in the Czech economy and the Czech labour market. First part is focused on general issues related to the FDI inflows and to the analysis of the penetration of the foreign controlled companies into domestic economy. Special...
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One of the employer's problems in his relationship to the employee is limited enforceability of work-quality. There are two types of instruments: the employer has at hand while motivating employees for higher efficiency - higher wage as a carrot and monitoring as a stick. These two instruments...
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This essay examines the influence of income differentiation on private consumption. The author illustrates how to derive the total demand on individual goods from curves describing the income differentiation within the population (e.g., Lorenz) and the Engel curve. This model is later used to...
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Sociální pøíjmy a danì významnì pùsobí na rozdìlení pøíjmù ve spoleènosti. Zkoumání jejich redistribuèní funkce je proto tøeba vìnovat dostateènou pozornost. Porovnání rozdìlení hrubého a èistého pøíjmu ukazuje, zda je systém daní a sociálních dávek...
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This paper uses a specific experiment — „voucher privatization“ in the former Czechoslovakia — to test the permanent income hypothesis of consumer behavior. Voucher privatization (the mass privatization of state-owned assets through publicly offered vouchers) led to an unexpected...
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