Showing 1 - 10 of 861
A robust nding of repeated public goods experiments is that high initialcontribution rates sharply decline towards the end. This paper reports onan exploratory experiment designed to discover whether such a decline is simply triggered by the usual experimental practice of publicly informing...
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We adopt an evolutionary approach to investigate whether and when condi-tional cooperation can explain the voluntary contribution phenomenon oftenobserved in public goods experiments and in real life. Formally, conditionalcooperation is captured by a regret parameter describing how much an...
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In der Literatur zur Abschlußprüfung ist ein negativer Effekt eines ökonomischen Vorteils aus der wiederholten Mandatsannahme, der aufgrund von Transaktionskosten entsteht, auf die Unabhängigkeit des Abschlußprüfers diskutiert worden. Anders als die bisher vorgestellten Ansätze wird im...
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This note analyses investment and risk-taking in a simple agency model of public regulation/procurement borrowed from Laffont & Tirole (1993). We show that the principal will overinvest or underinvest depending on whether investment is marginally more productive in bad or in good states. Due to...
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The paper provides a tractable, analytical framework to study regulatory risk underoptimal incentive regulation. Regulatory risk is captured by uncertainty about thepolicy variables in the regulator’s objective function: weights attached to profits andcosts of public funds. Results are as...
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Lower barriers to entry and developments in world capital markets have increasedthe actual and potential mobility of multinational enterprises. This poses challengesfor host countries' tax policies. The paper examines implications for such policies, formultinantionals' investment decisions and...
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decision tocompete or not in the downstream segment is endogenous, and this decision dependson the particular mechanism …
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In a public goods experiment, subjects can vary over a period of stochasticlength two contribution levels: one is publicly observable (their cheap talkstated intention), while the other is not seen by the others (their secretintention). When the period suddenly stops, participants are restricted...
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Instrumente des Kyoto Protokolls, insbesondere des Emissionsrechtshandelsund des Clean Development Mechanism... …
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People behave pro-socially in a wide variety of situations that standard economic theory is unable to explain. Social comparison is one explanation for such pro-social behavior: people contributeif others contribute or cooperate as well....
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