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This paper aims to examine the influence of the fiscal and budgetary policy to the labour market and how to determine the movement of filled employment positions from one period to another, the gross job creation, the gross job destruction, the job reallocation and the average job vacancies. The...
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Im Mai 2022 hat sich das Ende von Reichskanzler Heinrich Brünings Amtszeit zum 90. Mal gejährt. Bis heute sind die ökonomischen Auswirkungen von Brünings extremer Austeritätspolitik noch immer ungeklärt. Neue Daten und Berechnungen erlauben erstmals die Quantifizierung der ökonomischen...
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May 2022 marked the 90th anniversary of the end of Heinrich Brüning’s term as Reich Chancellor. To this day, the economic effects of Brüning’s extreme austerity measures remain unclear. However, new data and calculations have made an initial quantification of the economic consequences of...
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Governments perform national, labor-intensive censuses on a regular schedule. Censuses represent many of the largest peacetime expansions and contractions in federal hiring. The predetermined occurrence and scale of the census offers an economic experiment in the effects of temporary government...
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In this paper the authors recall the history of Jubilee debt cancellations, emphasizing what their social purpose was at that time. They note that it would not be possible to copy that procedure exactly nowadays, primarily because most debt/credit relationships are intermediated via financial...
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Fiscal transfer development across the world today has been in part driven by assertions of a supposed ‘economic dividend’ linked with the devolved financial spending. There is, however, little empirical evidence to validate these assertions in Kenya. It is against this background that this...
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This paper upholds the classical Keynesian position that a laissez-faire market economy lacks a spontaneous tendency to full employment. Focusing on the UK case, it argues that monetary policy could not prevent the economic collapse of 2008-9 or achieve full recovery from the Great Recession...
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Since the new German federal government has imposed tight fiscal policy restrictions on itself, a pragmatic approach is needed to finance the spending requirements of the transformation. The financing instruments mentioned in the coalition agreement appears to be suitable in principle for...
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