Showing 1 - 10 of 13
The paper provides an analysis of the convergence in selected macroeconomic fundamentals of several Central and East European (CEE) countries. The selected CEE countries are categorized to reflect the respective institutional and geographical aspects of economic transformation in the region....
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V polovinì prosince 2001 se pod tímto názvem uskuteènil již tøiatøicátý semináø Èeské spoleènosti ekonomické v øadì semináøù ?Ekonomické teorie a èeská ekonomika?. V úvodním vystoupení Štìpán Jurajda (CERGE-EI) vymezil základní pojmy, sumarizoval pøíèiny...
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The article summarizes the main points discussed at the seminar on The Nobel Memorial Prize Laureates 2002, held by the Czech Economic Association (CEA) in March 2002. There were two main speakers at the seminar: The first was Michal Skoøepa (Czech National Bank and Charles University), who...
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The paper analyzes the impact that certain administrative measures of monetary authorities have on exchange rates. Using the Perron test, the authors test for the existence of structural change in the development of exchange rates in Central and Eastern European countries. The dates when...
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The authors analyze corporate charitable behavior and the motivation for it in the Czech and Slovak Republics. In their quantitative study they distinguish different channels of support: sponsoring and giving. They do not find evidence supporting the usual claim that foreign firms give more than...
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The authors analyze financial-system development in the so-called Visegrad Four countries (Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia) during 1993–2005. They conceptualize the Visegrad Group economy as a set of sectors that interchange financial assets to measure financial-system...
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The paper considers company performance measures and the development of the Economic Value Added (EVA) indicator in volatile economies, particularly in the case of the Czech Republic. Methods used for pyramidal analysis, their assumptions, and their application possibilities are discussed. A...
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Závìry pøíspìvku potvrzují autorovu hypotézu, že celková úroveò slovinského a èeského vnitroodvìtvového obchodu se ve druhé polovinì 90. let dostala podstatnì blíže úrovni vyspìlých tržních ekonomik. Hlavní pøíèinou rychlého rùstu vnitroodvìtvového obchodu v...
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Does foreign ownership improve corporate performance, or do foreign firms merely select more productive targets for takeover? Do workers benefit from foreign acquisitions? We answer these questions by comparing the before/after change in several performance indicators of Czech firms subject to...
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This paper’s analysis of growth and inflation dispersions in the euro area reveals several findings. First, these dispersions have declined appreciably since EMU. Second, the remaining dispersions are small but persistent, relating mainly to country-specific shocks, not differences in the...
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