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concerned with limitations to the rights of the content holder, such as compensation for private sound and visual recording … Management (DRM ). Such compensation permits the holders of the content to collect royalties through a special compensation … arrangement. That is, the designated management associations impose the obligation for compensation on the manufacturers of …
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Экономическая наука нуждается в скорейшем формировании и дальнейшем развитии концепции налоговой безопасности на уровне государства, хозяйствующего субъекта...
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The aim of this article is to offer some insights into the remarkable happenings that occurred in Cyprus during a two-week period (15 March – 28 March 2013) when the country was left with no banking system, subsisting solely on ATMs and cards. At the same time, we aim to provide some new...
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The UK Government's energy policy is for competitive markets not only to deliver lower prices (they have succeeded) but to play a role in securing environmental improvements (reduction of greenhouse and other gases) and diversity, for long-term fuel security. The Government is pursuing its goal...
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Parking Levy scheme (WPL). This scheme intends to allocate the revenue raised to fund (amongst other things) two new tram …
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Direct taxes, which are levied individually, represent the oldest form of taxation. They are levied either on certain material assets or types of activities, or on revenue or wealth. Direct taxes are nominative and their amount and due date are established in very precise terms, therefore they...
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. Systemic relevance should be internalized with a levy (or tax), the level of which (or tax rate) rises with the systemic … relevance of an institution (Pigouvian taxation). The levy should be complemented by a Systemic Risk Fund which is endowed with … proceeds from the levy; if the Fund reaches a certain threshold size, the continuing flow of contributions is distributed to …
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Scientific communication is an essential part of modern science: whereas Archimedes worked alone, Newton (correspondence with Hooke, 1676) acknowledged that “If I have seen a little further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” How is scientific communication reflected in the...
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. Systemic relevance should be internalized with a levy (or tax), the level of which (or tax rate) rises with the systemic … relevance of an institution (Pigouvian taxation). The levy should be complemented by a Systemic Risk Fund which is endowed with … proceeds from the levy; if the Fund reaches a certain threshold size, the continuing flow of contributions is distributed to …
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