Showing 1 - 10 of 148
We analyse optimal saving of risk-averse households when labour income stochastically jumps between two states. The generalized Keynes-Ramsey rule includes a precautionary savings term. A phase diagram analysis illustrates consumption and wealth dynamics within and between states. There is an...
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Two papers have recently questioned the quantitative consistency of the search and matching models. Shimer (2005) has argued that a text-book matching model is unable to explain the cyclical variation of unemployment and vacancies in the U.S. economy. Costain and Reiter (2007) have found the...
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Cet article revient sur l’interprétation théorique des l’élasticité du nombre d’heures travaillées aux salaires en tenant compte de la demande de travail à temps partiel dans le cadre d’un modèle d’équilibre de recherche en emploi. Une entreprise propose des emplois à temps...
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The main claim of this paper is that in a world of equal entitlements to work rights the justification for a basic income is stronger, and that its level should be higher. the higher the level of unemployment or job scarcity. Point of departure is an economy with job scarcity. A fair way to deal...
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This paper investigates the effect of organizational and technological changes on job stability of different occupations in France. We first develop a basic matching model with endogenous job destsruction. It provides a structure to the empirical analysis, where we extensively exploit a unique...
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L'article étudie l'effet de l'émigration des travailleurs sur la distribution de la richesse d'une petite économie où les travailleurs sont confrontés à des difficultés d'accès au marché du crédit. Les migrants s'enrichissent en travaillant à l'étranger puis lèguent leur richesse à...
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This paper evaluates counselling programmes in an equilibrium matching model where workers are heterogeneous in skill levels. Job search effort, labour demand and wages are endogenous. When wages are bargained over, raising the effectiveness of or the access to counselling programmes pushes...
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This paper develops a joint evaluation of vocational training and unemployment insurance. This allows to analyze how these schemes complment each other from the viewpoints of labor market indicators and of welfare. For this purpose, a general equilibrium matching model is built where workers are...
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This paper tries to bridge the gap between the theoretical and empirical analyses of the aggregate impacts of labor market policies (LMPs). Contrary to previous empirical studies, we conduct an econometric analysis based on sound theoretical foundations. The specification is based on an...
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This paper proposes a new method to estimate the extent of job competition between workers with different schooling levels. We estimate the structural parameters of a matching function generalised to incorporate crowding out effects. We use flow data out of unemployment containing information on...
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