Showing 1 - 10 of 33
In this study we focus on differences in careers and wage development between white-collar workers. We are interested in the questions of which factors contribute to these differences and at what stage of the career they occur. Furthermore, we investigate the wage effects of the different types...
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Tutkimuksessa selvitetään nuorten naisten ja miesten urakehityseroja työuran ensimmäisten vuosien aikana. Kuvauksellisessa analyysissä vertaillaan naisten ja miesten ensimmäisen tehtävän vaativuustasoja sekä työmarkkinaliikkuvuutta. Ekonometrinen osuus koostuu ylennyksen ja...
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Suomalaisyritysten toimitusjohtajista ja hallitusten puheenjohtajista alle kymmenesosa sekä hallituksen jäsenistä alle neljäsosa on naisia. Laajaan yritysaineistoon perustuvan empiirisen regressioanalyysin perusteella havaitaan, että naistoimitusjohtoinen yritys on keskimäärin noin...
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In this study we focus on differences in careers and wage development between white-collar workers. We are interested in the questions of which factors contribute to these differences and at what stage of the career they occur. Furthermore, we investigate the wage effects of the different types...
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Public sector organizations are important producers of the core geographic information (GI). Data sharing is aggravated by e.g. highly varying policies to sharing and pricing the data. For instance, since the governmental data producer sets the price level high, it seems to restrict innovative...
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Public sector organizations are important producers of the core geographic information (GI). Data sharing is aggravated by e.g. highly varying policies to sharing and pricing the data. For instance, since the governmental data producer sets the price level high, it seems to restrict innovative...
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The study analyses the price formation and market functionality of the Finnish food chain. A significant portion of the report consists of international comparisons. The main comparison countries are the so-called old EU countries (EU15) of Western Europe, the new EU countries (EU12) and the...
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The study analyses the price formation and market functionality of the Finnish food chain. A significant portion of the report consists of international comparisons. The main comparison countries are the so-called old EU countries (EU15) of Western Europe, the new EU countries (EU12) and the...
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The report analyses the impacts of globalization on competitiveness of national economies, industries and firms. The focus is in mechanical and electrical engineering and machinery. Global division of labor has significantly changed over the past few decades when the large emerging economies -...
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The use of traditional industry-level profitability indicators for assessing the state of competition is problematic for two reasons. First, short-term variation reflects business cycles more than it does the impact of competition policy. Second, rough industry-level indicators hide different...
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