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This paper explores inequalities in IQ and economic preferences between children from high and low socio …-economic status (SES) families. We document that children from high SES families are more intelligent, patient and altruistic, as well …
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the household is located in a former West or East German federal state. Married couples and couples with children are … closer to the acceptance of the hypothesis than unmarried couples without children. …
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if the greater variety in living arrangements contributes to increased resource disparities among children in Germany …. Children in single parent families are disadvantaged in at least three dimensions decisive for their later achievements … public childcare strongly reduces resource disparities among children. …
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As the importance of capital is resurging in rich countries, the dynamics of wealth inequality are being increasingly affected by inheritance distribution. The relative attraction derived from inherited wealth and acquired human capital in marital choices may be undergoing change. We expand the...
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This paper investigates the redistributive impact of private and public childcare provision and education on children …'s resources in Germany between 2009 and 2013. It takes account of the multidimensionality of children's needs and access to … among children such that it cushions cash income inequality. One major reason for this effect is that public in …
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This study analyzes how risk attitudes change when individuals become parents using longitudinal data for a large and representative sample of individuals. The results show that men and women experience a considerable increase in risk aversion which already starts as early as two years before...
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We measure the prevalence of discrimination between Jordanian host and Syrian refugee children attending school in … Jordan. Using a simple sharing experiment, we find only little discrimination. Among the Jordanian children, however, we see …
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work effort, fertility, and the demographic transition. And it affects total factor productivity by constraining or …
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analyse and directly compare fertility patterns in two major European economies over a period of 15 years. Strong evidence is … found that opportunity costs play a role in fertility decisions, and for a positive income effect for females with high … earnings. Females in Germany adapt their fertility behaviour more strongly in response to economic incentives than their …
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How does a negative labor demand shock impact fertility? I analyze this question in the context of the East German … fertility decline after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. I exploit differential pressure for restructuring across East …, women more severely impacted by the demand shock had relatively more children than their less-severely-impacted counterparts …
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