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, under a Nash bargain, the equilibrium wage is linear in a person-specific component, a firm-specific component, and the … posterior mean of beliefs about match quality. Second, the optimal separation policy is of the reservation wage type …) Program at the US Census Bureau. I present both fixed and mixed model specifications of the equilibrium wage function, taking …
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1990s by economic reforms in general and particularly by: a) financial shocks, b) labor reforms that change non-wage labor …. Increases in non-wage labor costs lead to bigger job destruction and reallocation and to smaller net employment and productivity … employment growths in response to reductions in non-wage labor costs and sectoral tariff hikes. The presence of workers with …
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either implausibly large productivity shocks (Hall 2003) or an excessively high degree of real wage rigidity even for new …
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In an attempt to explain male-female wage differential, I estimated the relative marginal productivity and relative … wage of female workers compared to those of male workers using panel data of Japanese firms. The relative wage of female … the marginal productivity of female workers is 44 percent of that of male workers, while female wage is 31 percent of that …
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Macroeconomic time series are often obtained as an aggregate across regions or economic sectors. Even when the ultimate goal is to forecast the aggregate series it may be beneficial to consider the underlying disaggregate series. This especially holds when the disaggregate series are generated...
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price and wage, habit formation fails to mimic the shape of output growth in the frequency domain: it counterfactually …
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To analyze whether oil price can account for the business cycle asymmetries in the G7, this paper adopts the Friedman’s Plucking Markov Switching Model to decompose G7 real GDPs into common permanent components, common transitory components, infrequent Markov Switching negative shock and...
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Abstract: The paper analyzes cyclical comovements in the Mercosur area differentiating idiosyncratic from common shocks. In the Mercosur (or any region for that matter) shocks can be country-specific, affecting only one country or a specific set of countries (for example, a weather-related...
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This paper uses the neoclassical growth model to identify the effects of technological change on the US business cycle. In the model there are two sources of technological change: neutral, which affects the production of all goods homogeneously, and investment-specific. Investment-specific...
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This paper adopts Friedman’s Plucking Markov Switching Model to decompose G7 real GDPs into common permanent components, common transitory components, infrequent Markov Switching negative shock and domestic idiosyncratic components. The findings show that the common components explain a...
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