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Measuring employment and unemployment is essential for economic policy. Internationally agreed measures (e.g. headcount employment and unemployment rates based on standard definitions) enhance comparability across time and space, but changes in real labor markets and policy agendas challenge...
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In diesem Beitrag wird untersucht, inwiefern sich die Arbeitslosenquoten von Deutschen und Immigranten in Abhängigkeit ihrer Qualifikation voneinander unterscheiden. Der Vergleich der qualifikationsspezifischen Arbeitslosenquoten macht deutlich, dass nicht nur unter den Einheimischen sondern...
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This paper introduces endogenous on-the-job training in the job creation and destruction model of the search and matching type by García-Pérez and Osuna (Dual labour markets and the tenure distribution: Reducing severance pay or introducing a single contract, 2014). The objective is to compare...
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As part of a more general process of employment reallocation from less to more productive employers, job-to-job flows tend to be beneficial for productivity and for workers. Thus, when this rate slows, it is important to understand why. In the US, for example, the job-to-job flow rate is now at...
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The trend towards labor market flexibility in Europe has typically involved introducing legislation that makes it easier for firms to issue temporary contracts with low firing costs, while not changing the level of protection that is in place for permanent jobs. This has created a strong...
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This paper presents a case study on reforming a very dysfunctional labor market with a deep insider-outsider divide, namely the Spanish case. We show how a dual market, with permanent and temporary employees, makes real reform much harder, and leads to purely marginal changes that do not alter...
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The report explores the main impact of the crisis on the Bulgarian labor market whereby the key points are focused on the relation between changes in employment and educational structure of the labor force in Bulgaria, which took place under the influence of the crisis, and the trends of their...
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Die Informationskanäle, über die Arbeitnehmer eine Beschäftigung finden, haben sich seit Beginn der 90er Jahre kaum verändert. Freunde und Bekannte sind nach wie vor die wichtigste Informationsquelle für eine erfolgreiche Stellensuche. Auch Anzeigen sind von großer Bedeutung, wobei...
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Geringfügige subventionierte Beschäftigung wird von ihren Kritikern eher als Sackgasse denn als Sprungbrett in reguläre Beschäftigung angesehen. In einer neueren Studie des DIW Berlin wurden auch die längerfristigen Effekte der Aufnahme einer geringfügigen subventionierten Beschäftigung...
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Unemployment increased drastically over the course of the Great Recession from 4.5 percent prior to the recession to 10 percent at its peak in October 2009. Since then, the unemployment rate has come down steadily, and it stood at 5.8 percent in November 2014. Based on existing analyses and some...
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