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On December 10, 2018, William D. Nordhaus received the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Nordhaus was honoured in particular for his work on integrating key aspects of climate change into long-run macroeconomic analysis. Based on fundamental aspects of...
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This paper provides a tool to build climate change scenarios to forecast Gross Domestic Product (GDP), modelling both GDP damage due to climate change and the GDP impact of mitigating measures. It adopts a supply-side, long-term view, with 2060 and 2100 horizons. It is a global projection tool...
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The relationship between income inequality and economic growth is complex. Some inequality is integral to the effective functioning of a market economy and the incentives needed for investment and growth. But inequality can also be destructive to growth, for example by amplifying the risk of...
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Evidence from a current panel of harmonized worldwide data highlights a robust negative effect of income inequality on economic growth that we trace back to its transmission channels. Less equal societies tend to have less educated populations and higher fertility rates, but not necessarily...
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This paper theoretically analyzes the growth and welfare impacts of dynamic Border Carbon Taxes (BCT) across trading countries. I build a trade model with dynamic investment decisions using a Ramsey growth model. The government in each country can invest either in costly nonpolluting capital or...
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Economic development is associated with the shift of production from the traditional sector (e.g. traditional agriculture and the urban informal sector) to the modern sector (e.g. modern manufacturing and commercial agriculture). Human capital accumulation, particularly, education and job...
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This article reviews the current state of research on education externalities. It finds that much of the confusion regarding their magnitude results from conceptual misunderstandings about their nature. The concepts of 'education', 'teaching', and 'knowledge' need to be distinguished for a...
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The US banking crisis and the transatlantic banking crisis, respectively, have caused a global recession and thus raised the debt-GDP ratio in many OECD countries and worldwide. In the analysis presented at first some critical points about financial market innovations and inconsistencies in the...
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This paper examines the empirical relationship between the quality of the Indian judiciary and the economic development of the Indian States and Union Territories. It evaluates this causality by analysing the development of the state-level per capita income and poverty rates. I define the...
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The paper proposes a theoretical investigation of the impact of welfare on the growth regimes, inspired by new growth theory and recent advances in institutional analysis. It shows the complementarity of Welfare State with the Fordist growth pattern and discusses the reasons of the "Welfare...
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