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This paper studies life cycle creativity among Nobel laureate economists. We identify two distinct life cycles of …
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We examine friendships and study partnerships among university students over several years. At the aggregate level …
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The scholarly impact of academic research matters for academic promotions, influence, relevance to public policy, and others. Focusing on writing style in top-level professional journals, we examine how it changes with age, and how stylistic differences and age affect impact. As top-level...
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Using data describing all "Top 5" economics journal publications from 1969-2018, we examine what determines which authors produce less as they age and which retire earlier. Sub-field has no impact on the rate of production, but interacts with it to alter retirement probabilities. A positive,...
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accounts for as much as one-third of the wage disadvantage. Survey data (of economists only) indicate that flexible scheduling …
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reputation? Using evidence for academic economists, we find that, conditional on its impact, the quantity of output has no or …
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newly collected data on the career trajectories of United States Air Force Academy students. Specifically, we examine the …, among high-ability female students, being assigned a female professor leads to substantial increases in the probability of …
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. Students in a large introductory microeconomics course at a major research university were randomly assigned to live lectures … instruction. These results are particularly strong for Hispanic students, male students, and lower-achieving students. We also …
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It is difficult to measure teaching quality at the postsecondary level because students typically "self-select" their … decisions. We exploit the random assignment of college students to professors in a large body of required coursework to examine … in contemporaneous and follow-on related courses, but the effects are quite heterogeneous across subjects. Students of …
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subject interest. The data used in this paper helps identify average effects from male and female college students assigned to …-year undergraduate classes isolates gender interaction effects due to students reacting to instructors rather than instructors reacting … to students. In addition, by focusing on college, we examine the extent to which gender interactions may exist at later …
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