• Front Cover; A Basic Needs Policy Model: A General Equilibrium Analysis with Special Reference to Ecuador; Copyright Page; Preface; Acknowledgements; Table of Contents; List of abbreviations and figures; List of tables; PART I: BACKGROUNDS AND SKELETON OF THE MODEL; CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION: POLICY MODELLING FOR BASIC NEEDS IN ECUADOR; 1.1 The basic needs approach; 1.2 Ecuador: key features of the economy under study; Notes; CHAPTER 2. RELEVANCE OF GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODELLING FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES; 2.1 The role of prices and equilibrium in developing countries
  • 2.2 Applied general equilibrium modelling with special reference to developing countries2.3 Solution strategies; Notes; CHAPTER 3. OUTLINE OF A BASIC NEEDS POLICY SIMULATION MODEL; 3.1 Objectives and global characteristics; 3.2 The structure of the model: an overview; 3.3 Solution and use of the model; Notes; PART II: THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MODEL; CHAPTER 4. A GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM BASIC NEEDS POLICY MODEL, MAIN PART; 4.1 Production; 4.2 Employment and value-added; 4.3 Income distribution; 4.4 Consumption and intermediate demand; 4.5 Savings, flow of funds and investment
  • 4.6 Exports and excess demandNotes; CHAPTER 5. A GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM BASIC NEEDS POLICY MODEL; Updating structural characteristics and basic needs satisfaction; 5.1 Population growth and household formation; 5.2 Income earners and economically active; 5.3 The distribution of wealth; 5.4 Basic needs; Notes; CHAPTER 6. THE CALIBRATION OF THE MODEL TO THE BASE YEAR; 6.1 A social accounting matrix for Ecuador; 6.2 Data for the model, an overview; 6.3 Calibration of the model to the base year; 6.4 Reproduction of the base year economy; 6.5 The model at work: an illustrative simulation; Notes
  • PART III: A SELECTION OF POLICY SIMULATIONSIntroduction to Part III; CHAPTER 7. ANALYSIS OF STATIC POLICY SIMULATIONS; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2. A government programme for housing; 7.3 Tax policies; 7.4 Wage and income policies; 7.5 Land reform; Notes; CHAPTER 8. ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC POLICY SIMULATIONS; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Exogenous variables and base time path, 1975-1980; 8.3 Alternative external sector conditions; 8.4 Tax and employment policies; 8.5 Redistribution of resources; Notes; CHAPTER 9. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS; APPENDICES; A4.3.1 Specification of taxes and transfers
  • A4.3.2 Variance per capita disposable household incomeA4.3.3 Expected values: household income, net tax and consumption; A4.4.1 Consumption functions; A4.4.2 Expected household consumption of categories; A4.4.3 Methodology estimation import demand functions; A4.6.1 Estimation of export functions; A5.1.1 Fertility; A5.1.2 Household size; A5.1.3 The proportion of children in the population; A5.1.4 Household size and income; A5.2.1 Derivation of the economically active population; A5.2.2 Derivation of the number of income earners; A5.2.3 Results conditional logit model of occupational choice
  • A6.1.1 Classifications used in the model
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