Automated model linkages: the example of CAPRI
Alternative title: | Automatisierte Kopplung von Modellen am Beispiel von CAPRI |
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Britz, Wolfgang |
Subject: | model linkage | linking economic and environmental models | policyimpact assessment | Agricultural and Food Policy | Research Methods/ Statistical Methods |
Automated model linkages: the example of CAPRI
Britz, Wolfgang, (2008)
The Agricultural Component in Macroeconomic Models
Kost, William E., (1981)
Deppermann, Andre, (2010)
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Ökonomische Bewertung des Erneuerbare Energien Gesetzes zur Förderung von Biogas
Delzeit, Ruth, (2011)
It is all in the details : A bilateral approach for modelling trade agreements at the tariff line
Jafari, Yaghoob, (2021)
EU-wide Distributional Effects of EU Direct Payments Harmonization analyzed with CAPRI
Gocht, Alexander, (2011)
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