Building agro-environmental indicators by integrating bio-physical and economic models for assessing the sustainability of agricultural trade liberalisation
Year of publication: |
Other Persons: | Flichman, Guillermo (contributor) |
Published in: |
Methodological tools for SIA : report of the CEPII Workshop held on 7 - 8 November 2002 in Brussels. - Paris : CEPII. - 2003, p. 139-162
Subject: | Nachhaltige Entwicklung | Sustainable development | Handelsliberalisierung | Trade liberalization | Agraraußenhandel | International agricultural trade | Agrarpolitik | Agricultural policy | Wirkungsanalyse | Impact assessment | Wirtschaftsindikator | Economic indicator | Umweltbewertung | Environmental valuation | Theorie | Theory |
Extent: | graph. Darst |
Type of publication: | Article |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Aufsatz im Buch ; Book section |
Language: | English |
Notes: | Zsfassung in franz. Sprache Systemvoraussetzungen: Acrobat reader |
Source: | ECONIS - Online Catalogue of the ZBW |
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