Capital structure design of foreign subsidiaries in multinational corporate groups with a German parent company
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Hoffjan, Andreas ; Rösmann, Michael |
Institutions: | Universität <Münster, Westfalen> / Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Controlling |
Subject: | Multinationales Unternehmen | Ausland | Kapitalstruktur | capital structure | Tochtergesellschaft | Holdinggesellschaft | Holding companies |
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Setting objectives as starting point for the capital structure design
- 3 Design parameters of the capital structure
- 4. Evironmental conditions influencing the capital structure
- 5. Connecting the design parameters with the environmental conditions
- 6. Conclusion
Effects from the parent's exposure to subsidiaries inside Bank Holding Companies (BHCs)
Bressan, Silvia, (2017)
Capital Structure Adjustments of Bank Holding Companies and Subsidiary Failure
Hung, Chi-Hsiou Daniel, (2017)
Wang, William Senyu, (2022)
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Hoffjan, Andreas, (2004)
Hoffjan, Andreas, (2004)
Hoffjan, Andreas, (2003)
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