Center for International Relations
CIR is an independent, non-governmental, 12-year old think-tank, dedicated to the study of international relations and those foreign policy issues, which are of crucial importance to Poland, Europe and transatlantic relations in both the long and the short-term. CIR carries out its own research projects, prepares reports and analyses and participates in international projects in cooperation with similar institutions in several countries. CIR has also founded the Foreign Policy Club u0096 an influential forum for foreign policy analysis and debate, involving hundreds of leading politicians, diplomats, civil servants, local government officials, academics, students, journalists and representatives of other NGOs.
Alternative title: | Centrum Stosunków Miedzynarodowych |
Institutions: | Centrum Stosunków Miedzynarodowych <Warszawa> |
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Subject: | Polen | Poland | Außenpolitik | Internationale Politik | foreign policy | internationale Politik | international politics |
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