China's Trade and Growth: Impact on Selected OECD Countries
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Greene, Malory ; Dihel, Nora ; Kowalski, Przemyslaw ; Lippoldt, Douglas C. |
Institutions: | Trade and Agriculture Directorate, Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE) |
Subject: | telecommunications | trade and growth | trade policy | banking | computable general equilibrium | China | value chain | trade restrictiveness index | impact on global economy | international processing activities | world prices | terms of trade | investment | insurance | intellectual property rights | services trade | OECD countries | FTAP |
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China's Trade and Growth : Impact on Selected OECD Countries
Greene, Malory, (2006)
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Greene, Malory, (2008)
Chinaś trade and growth : impact on selected OECD countries
Greene, Malory, (2006)
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