Type of publication: Book / Working Paper
Type of publication (narrower categories): Working Paper
Language: English
Other identifiers:
866413995 [GVK]
hdl:10419/142611 [Handle]
RePEc:eei:rpaper:EERI_RP_2011_04 [RePEc]
Classification: O15 - Human Resources; Income Distribution; Migration ; O17 - Formal and Informal Sectors; Shadow Economy; Institutional Arrangements ; O18 - Regional, Urban, and Rural Analyses ; R23 - Regional Migration; Regional Labor Markets; Population ; J38 - Public Policy ; J42 - Monopsony; Segmented Labor Markets ; J61 - Geographic Labor Mobility; Immigrant Workers ; J62 - Occupational and Intergenerational Mobility ; F22 - International Migration ; K42 - Illegal Behavior and the Enforcement of Law
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