Economics and the diffusion of communication and information technologies: Joseph Schumpeter and the self-organisation approach
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Foster, J. |
Subject: | Biological analogy | Development | Diffusion | Dissipative structure | Dynamics | Evolution | Information | Irreversibility | Knowledge | Logistic growth | Non-equilibrium process | Schumpeter | Self-organisation | Uncertainty |
FOSTER, JOHN, (1997)
Economic emergence : an evolutionary economic perspective
Foster, John, (2012)
Economic emergence: An evolutionary economic perspective
Foster, John, (2012)
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Detecting self-organisational change in economic processes exhibiting logistic growth
Foster, J., (1999)
Econometric modelling in the presence of evolutionary change
Foster, J., (1999)
Is there a role for transaction cost economics if we view firms as complex adaptive systems?
Foster, J., (2000)
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